Friday, March 25, 2005

Get Up Stand Up (Mixed Message)

Kwe sewakwekon, here's a bit of fun , if maybe Bob Marley had been Kanien'kehaka his famous song Get up Stand up might have been

Satketsko - Get Up
Tehstan - Stand Up

O:nen ki' wahi' Bye for now

Skennen Peace

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Anonymous said...

O si yo, Brother!

Keep up the great work! Let us all get into podcasting and let the world know that we exist, that our language is important, and our identites will endure, my native brothers and sisters.

Seeker of Knowledge and Truth

Kahnwakero:non said...

Nia:wen Thank you, from the Osiyo, I'm guessing you're Cherokee eh?

Kahnwakero:non said...

Nia:wen Thank you, from the Osiyo, I'm guessing you're Cherokee eh?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your next podcast, brother. Any other natives listening in out there on Turtle Island? Leave your comments! Let's give Kahnwakero:non some props for being the first native podcaster focusing on language!

Go forward!

Kahnwakero:non said...

Kwe sewakwekon, if any of you out there are fluent speakers of other Languages or simply interested in Podcasting your own thing feel free to email me at if you need help.
